076: What Makes Podcast A Vet Tick w/ Dr. John Arnold

Podcast A Vet 76 w/ Dr John Arnold.jpg

Today we are flipping the script on your host, Dr. John Arnold, and giving him his chance in the hot seat. Want to know how Dr. John met his wife, where he wishes he was living, and why he chose to become a general practitioner? All this and more is answered today as we dive deep inside what makes Podcast A Vet tick.


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Show Notes

Going back to the beginning of Dr. John’s veterinary career we are discussing everything from the importance of mentorship to learning who you should be giving your attention too, and ways to become a master in the art of recovery. And as a bonus, hear John’s rendition of The Safety Dance in our question lightning round!

If you want to get to know your host better, or are looking for advice when it comes to any part of the veterinary field and life, this episode is for you. Get ready to be inspired by Dr. John and prior guests, as we review the struggles of achieving your dreams and the reasons why it is all worth it.

Do you have a question that you want to ask Dr. John? Share it with us in the comments below!


In This Episode

  • Understanding the intimidations and decisions of practice ownership

  • How to deal with the pressure between balancing career and home life

  • Common threads found among the superheroes in the veterinary world

  • Playing an active role in someone else's passion to provide mentorship

  • Steps to harness family and community as the driving forces in your life



“As far as mentorship, I think it boils down to playing an active role and just stoking someone's passion a little bit.” (6:43)

“Looking back, she was more important than the ‘where’. And that's really cheesy but it's true.” (19:10)

“If you can picture a bagel or a donut, that inner circle is kind of the people you should be spending the most time with and sacrificing the least for, and I had it backward for a long time because I didn't want to let anybody down.” (29:05)

“Wherever your tribe is, hold onto them. They not only bring you a lot of joy but they bail you out when things get bad.” (36:08)

“I need to thank you guys, listeners, because you have impacted me in so many ways. And made me a better doctor, a better father, and a better human in general.” (38:24)



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PAV 051: Kelsey Cates

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