109: Taking a Break to Recharge

In this episode, I wanted to share some of the reasons why we're taking this break. I'm guessing you can relate, and hopefully, this episode will be a reminder to look after yourself and do what you need to do to look after yourself and ensure you're showing up for your family, colleagues, friends, and community.

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108: Vet School Unleashed w/ Seth Williams

Seth Williams is the mastermind behind Vet School Unleashed and a DVM who plays by his own rules. After graduating with a music business degree Seth went back to veterinary school when he realized his passion could bring him closer to a job he could never have dreamed of.

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John ArnoldComment
106: The Best Advice For New Graduates & Those Ready To Retire w/ Simon Turner

Sir Isaac Newtown once said that in order to see further than others you must stand on the shoulders of giants. Simon Turner is an equine surgeon originally from Australia who lives this philosophy every day. Through the mentorship, he has received, and in turn, the mentorship he provides others, Simon is a pristine example of the beauty found in the veterinary profession.

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John Arnold Comment
104: New Years Message w/ Kelsey Cates

Happy New Year Podcat A Vet family! While we can barely believe that 2020 is already upon us, it is an exciting time of year here at the Podcast A Vet headquarters. As we look forward to Season 3 of Podcast A Vet and reflect on the past year, we want to say thank you to our wonderful community and Patreons. This show wouldn’t exist without you and it is our pleasure to recognize all you do for your profession and each other. 

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John Arnold Comment
103: Happy Holidays Message w/ Kelsey Cates

Happy Holiday’s Podcast A Vet family! Today I am joined by our Director of Operations, Kelsey Cates, to have a look back on all that we have accomplished this past year on Podcast A Vet. With the end of ‘Season 2’ approaching and the start of a new decade we thought we would take the opportunity to thank you as our listeners and look forward into the new year.

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101: Why You Should Dig Deep To Figure Out What You Really Want w/ MJ Hamilton

MJ Hamilton has spent his entire life in veterinary medicine and it has taken him across the country from Las Vegas to Michigan and more. On top of the wild parties he hosted during veterinary school, MJ realized that even though he had a strong love for veterinary practice, not everything was the right fit. After he hit is a critical breaking point, MJ realized he needed to go after his passion rather than the status quo and started PVS Pet Cancer, the world’s first mobile oncology unit.

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John ArnoldComment
100th Episode Special w/ Dr. John Arnold

Often during this celebratory time of year, I like to take a look back and remember all of the moments where I physically felt the feeling of ‘wow, I can’t believe we get to do this’. Podcast A Vet has shared over 100 people’s stories and it is only through being transparent and helping the community grow that we can continue to build the Podcast A Vet Family. 

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John ArnoldComment
099: How To Find Happiness By Starting A Business You Love w/ Alissa Edoff

Alissa Edoff’s path to veterinary medicine has taken her all over the world, from her native Colorado to Australia, Glasgow and beyond, she is passionate about exploring and setting yourself apart from the crowd. From hospital work to research and corporate positions, Alissa has the determination to follow what she wants and is here today to share her story of how she was able to find happiness in starting her own business.

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John Arnold Comment
094: The Importance Of Having The Courage To Try Something Different w/ Laurel Krause

Laurel Krause is a 4th-year veterinary student from CSU who took the long road to veterinary school and has since embraced her path to veterinary medicine. The CVMA student representative for her year and lifelong ‘cat-whisperer’, Laurel is providing insight into the delicate balance between the art and science aspect of the brain as well as veterinary medicine and how she transitioned from a life in Hollywood to finding her new home at CSU. 

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092: The Life Lessons To Be Learned From Wild Animals w/ Becca Miceli

Have you ever wanted to bond with lions and tigers and bears? Becca Micelli is the Chief Officer of Science and Welfare, otherwise known as the veterinary technician, at the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado. From an early age she has had a fascination towards ‘animals that can eat her’, and now works in the sanctuaries 720 acres, with 532 animals ranging from tigers to grizzly bears and lynx.


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091: How To Fix Your Burnout & Other Out Of The Box Ideas w/ Lisa Mausbach

In a lot of ways, the way we practice veterinary medicine today is not setting ourselves up for success. Many of us are burnt out, tired, and considering leaving the profession far earlier than our counterparts in generations past. Lisa Mausbach knows this feeling first hand, and after her feelings toward veterinary medicine shifted from excitement to dread, Lisa knew she needed to make a change.


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