085: How To Survive & Thrive in Veterinary School w/ Chloe Muir

Podcast A Vet 085: How To Survive & Thrive in Veterinary School w/ Chloe Muir

Chloe Muir is about to enter her third year of veterinary school and has a wide range of experience under her belt already. Having just returned from working at a clinic in Kathmandu, Nepal, as well as a stint at a pop-up clinic in Guatemala, Chloe is an expert in the challenges of doing veterinary work abroad and the importance of being resourceful.


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Show Notes

On this special ‘back to school’ episode, Chloe shares stories of her adventures, inspirational tips for fellow veterinary students, and reflects on the journey that brought her here. Learn why she equates veterinary medicine to summiting a mountain, why she thinks we need to talk more about student debt and get into the mind of a modern veterinary student. 

If you are looking to get into the mind of an almost graduated veterinary student, or are hoping to open up the conversation to become more resourceful, this is the episode for you.

How did your experience in veterinary school shape your career? Share with us in the comments below!


In This Episode

  • Explore the connection between hiking and veterinary medicine

  • Takeaways from practicing veterinary medicine abroad with limited resources

  • Reflecting on the highs and lows of veterinary school

  • Why studying does not always equal more success of happiness

  • Advice to vet students who are struggling and ways to look ahead



“I think a lot of it is just realizing the world is so big, and I think I have moved a little bit, but I haven't really seen very much. And so I think there is just this curiosity of seeing what it is like everywhere else, especially with veterinary medicine.” (22:25)

“When you summit a mountain you are very focused on a goal, but you don't realize all the great things you pass on the way up, and I think vet school is like that too.” (26:24)

“I know that there is a ton of knowledge in my brain right now, even though it doesn't feel like it sometimes. So I think getting to actually apply it is going to be such a cool feeling.” (32:49)

“I really honestly performed the same, or better probably, by taking a step back.” (36:52)



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