099: How To Find Happiness By Starting A Business You Love w/ Alissa Edoff

Podcast A Vet 99 Alissa Edoff.jpg

Alissa Edoff’s path to veterinary medicine has taken her all over the world, from her native Colorado to Australia, Glasgow and beyond, she is passionate about exploring and setting yourself apart from the crowd. From hospital work to research and corporate positions, Alissa has the determination to follow what she wants and is here today to share her story of how she was able to find happiness in starting her own business.

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Show Notes

Everything from travel to alcohol dependency and finding a partner over diarrhea is on this episode as we dive into Alissa’s experience in veterinary school and beyond. Alissa loves to share her passion, connect with her mobile canine rehab and large and small animal acupuncture clients, and share her passion with the world. 

An advocate for the importance of having a fulfilling life outside of work and following what makes you happy, Alissa is an inspiring example of dedication and finding joy in the unexpected. How do you balance your career with your desires outside of work? Share your story with us in the comments below.


In This Episode

  • A look into the life of an international veterinary program

  • How to become okay with not being perfect at everything

  • Tips to cope with times when you are second-guessing your career path

  • Why Alissa came to the realization that she was using alcohol as a crutch

  • Reasons mobile canine rehab and acupuncture ended up being Alissa’s calling



“I had never been to either London or Glasgow so I didn’t know what life was like there really. So I just figured, I have to take loans out regardless if I can have more money for traveling rather than rent in somewhere like London, that just made more sense to me.” (12:12)

“Travelling to me is one of my #1 priorities and goals in life, to see the world.” (22:32)

“It was 100% a coping mechanism and she helped me figure out alternatives, and then I haven’t had a drink for almost 3.5 years.” (34:26)

“I started my own business and now I have made veterinary medicine something that I enjoy again.” (39:27)

“I am now an extra, so I am not general practice, so if people reach out to me it is because they want to do more for their pets. So they are dedicated and they want the best for their animals.” (42:08)



Longevity and Wellness Vet

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